My New Year Resolution-Creating a new collection!

I have been busy this last week, on top of working a highly demanding day job, creating a new collection. I love challenges and see this as one of my most ambitious ones. I am a dressy girl. I could wear dresses all the time! My inspiration usually comes from seeing fabric and then imaginingContinue reading “My New Year Resolution-Creating a new collection!”

Looking Beachy Chic in a couture silk tweed suit!

This collection of Vogue Wardrobe patterns are for the working ladies ( and those who want to look CHIC!). It includes a jacket, skirt, lacy blouse and skirt, and dress pattern. I have made the jacket and skirt in tweed, and lacy blouse so far. I plan to sew up the lacy skirt and getContinue reading “Looking Beachy Chic in a couture silk tweed suit!”